Deconstructing Beds

This is the Writer’s Gym.
It is full of ideas to help combat writer’s block. I am currently working on one for a portfolio that is due soon; it’s really interesting.
Deconstructing beds. (Alison Fell)
Basically what it recommends is this:
1. Write one hundred words about your childhood bed.
2. Write one hundred words about your current bed.
3. Write one hundred words about your dream bed.

Try to distance yourself from what you have written. Maybe give it a few days before you come back to it.

4. Literally cut up what you’ve written – separate nouns from verbs, nouns from nouns, adjectives from nouns…you get the picture.
5. Use the words to create new sentences. Try to construct bits of prose, but let your automatic responses guide you. Use your intuition. All you should worry about are basic syntax rules. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense.
6. Go over your new collage of sentences and phrases and read them aloud. Do any of them resonate with you? Think about why.

This is one way to come up with original ideas. I am excited to cut mine up today!

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